Customer Testimonials

Ricardo Garcia

Michael and his team are THE shop to go to if you care about how you and your ride are treated. Knowing I could just install door protectors myself, I decide to take it to these guys instead because I know they treat my Miata like one of their own and their attention to detail is the best in the business. If you want to be treated like a friend rather than just another number than these guys are the guys to trust. My PPF wrap was installed with no flaws and everytime I take it to be detailed it comes out looking like the first day I restored my car.

Jeff Harris

Michael and his team are AWESOME! Excellent customer service, excellent experience and AMAZING work! This car is my baby… They replaced my old roof wrap with a brand new black brushed metal look wrap that’s beautiful! The car has never looked better! I will come back for any future work and I would highly recommend them!

Brooke Oleynick

Michael was incredible to work with! He wrapped the chrome around my windows and did some work on my back bumper. He was communicative and informative about the process (given I had no understanding of how it would go), and not to mention he was incredibly detail-oriented with his work. I’m SO happy with how it turned out and will definitely be going back to him for any future needs. Highly, highly recommend if you’re in the San Diego area. Thank you Michael + Enhanced Automotive team!


5644 Kearny Mesa Rd Unite H San Diego, CA 92111




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